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Jeremy Rifkin
Moni Ovadia
Gianni Tamino
Perché firmare Stop vivisection?
Stop Vivisection, sign now!
Stop vivisection, firma anche tu!
Stop vivisection, contro la vivisezione, per il progresso
Fulco Pratesi
Mario Tozzi
Steve Cutts
The Magic Collective. Animal testing: some facts
The Magic Collective. Vivisezione: alcuni fatti
Animaux de laboratoire
Animaux de laboratoire from GAIA TV on Vimeo.
Extra videos:
Why curing cancer is so hard, Azra Raza (TEDxNewYork)
Andre Menache, director of Antidote europe and promoter of Stop Vivisection Initiative, on "Good science vs Bad science"
Thomas Hartung and Costanza Rovida on alternative methods, Italian Senate, March 5, 2014 (in Italian)
Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, USA. Ted Talk "We need better drugs - now"
Geraldine Hamilton, bio researcher, senior staff scientist at Wyss Institute, Boston USA. Ted Talk "Body parts on a chip", June 2013
Huffington Post Live: "Eliminate Animal Testing In the Name of Science". Hosted by Jacob Soboroff. Guests: John Pippin (PCRM), Kathleen Conlee (Humane Society), Aysha Akhtar (FDA), July 13, 2013
Thomas Hartung on "Nanomaterials, toxicology for the 21st Century" and the development of alternatives to animal testing. Swiss Nano Convention. June 23, 2011
Lawrence A. Hansen on "Ethics and Efficacy of Experimentation on Animals". Madison University. February 17, 2011
Marcel Leist on "Scientific research without animals to ensure the protection of human health" (Italian subtitles). Italian Parliament. February 22, 2014
Ray Greek on "Animals, Science, & Research". University of Toronto. September 19, 2011
Andre Menache. Expérimentation animale: que répondre?
Tall of Toxics - Improving Chemical Safety Without Animals