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1,173,131 certified signatures!

1,173,131 certified signatures were presented on March 3rd, 2015, to the European Commission by the European citizens, promoters of STOP VIVISECTION.

This event is a key step forward in the launch of a new paradigm in biomedical sciences, to correct a methodological error that has slowed scientific progress and has hampered a sound health policy of prevention in Europe and elsewhere.

“Stop Vivisection”, European Citizens’ Initiative is potentially a step forward in democracy in Europe. It is our sincere hope that the position expressed by 86% of  European citizens opposed to animal testing (Eurispes) will indeed be respected.

Stop Vivisection” is one of only three European Citizens' Initiatives that have reached and passed the milestone of one MILLION certified signatures in the first 3 years of application of the newly granted right to initiative (Treaty of Lisbon).

The promoters of STOP VIVISECTION:

  • thank the many scientists who courageously have expressed their condemnation of animal testing for scientific reasons;
  • thank the Europeans citizens who, with great enthusiasm, have affixed their signatures and continue to give their help to STOP VIVISECTION;
  • also thank the more than 232 organizations who have given their support to STOP VIVISECTION.

The promoters of STOP VIVISECTION hope that the European Commission will allow a constructive meeting to take place, so that these progressive ideas, often ignored or even censored, will be allowed to be shared with all concerned and their importance for the future of humanity be seen to be based on genuine scientific evidence.