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How to sign online
Click on "Sign online" to access the official site of the European Commission, which allows you to sign online and submit your declaration of support for Stop Vivisection.
Signing is simple, once you are on the site of the European Commission:
1. Click on "Support" (or else select your country)
2. Select your country (skip this step if you have already done so in step 1)
3. Fill in the required fields (you must fill in all the required fields)
4. Click on "Submit" and you have signed!
Please note that you may sign only once. The required information allows the national authorities to determine that you are a real person. Your personal details will then be submitted to the competent authority in order to verify and authenticate the number of declarations that are valid for this initiative (European Citizens Initiative). The information will not be used for any other purposes.
In order to participate you must be a citizen of a member state of the European Union and old enough to vote in your country: 18 years of age in all member states, with the exception of Austria, where the voting age is 16.